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(last edited 03/28/2025 22:09:50)
Comments for Henry
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for bad links etc...
NECA, Network of English Canadian Academics (webpage)
NECA, Canadian faculty against antisemitism on campus
Hillel list: General Student Scholarships
UofW and WLU
Nov. 8-9, 2024;
26th Midwest Optimization Meeting &
Workshop on Large Scale Optimization and Applications;
Hosted by the University of Waterloo
Issue on Recent Trends in Optimization Methods and Their Applications
Dedicated to Henry Wolkowicz on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday,
Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization, Vol 5, Issue 2.
Paper in JOTA Dedicated to Henry Wolkowicz on the Occasion of His 75th
Fields Focus Program on Geometric Constraint Systems
July 1 - August 31, 2023
October 28-29, 2022;
24th Midwest Optimization Meeting &
Workshop on Large Scale Optimization and Applications;
Hosted by the University of Waterloo. (schedule/slides/pics)
Opt. Tutte seminars/on youtube
always a 'nice' surprise website
Henry Wolkowicz selected SIAM Fellow, Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Henry Wolkowicz #29 in Canada, 2022 Edition
ILAS Interview:
TWO research communities
Reduction in Cone Optimization with Applications to Matrix
Completions tutorial 2016
The Many Faces of Deneracy in Conic Optimization, monograph Dec/17
Parametric convex quadratic relaxation of the quadratic knapsack
problem, EJOR Editors' Choice Articles, January 2020
Outstanding performance in scholarship, teaching and service award,
in 2019.
Gail Wolkowicz Receives 2014 CMS Krieger-Nelson Prize
Math Seminars
Programming Glossary ⓒ
"Mathematical model of anaerobic digestion in a chemostat: effects of
syntrophy and inhibition", by
Marion Weedermann, Gunog Seo & Gail Wolkowicz;
winners of Lord Robert May Best Paper Prize, 2013,
Journal of Biological Dynamics.
official announcement: Miguel Anjos elected as Fellow of
the Canadian Academy of Engineering!
(and local
announcement details)
Edward R. Vrscay, home page, appl. math. UofW
SIAM Journal on Optimization, SIOPT
Mathematics of Operations Research, MOR
Computational Optimization and Applications, COAP
OPEN ACCESS OPTE Mar./14 issue
Journal of Global Optimization, JOGO
Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization
SN Operations Research Forum (Springer)
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Opt. Editorial Board; Frontiers in Appl Math. Stats
Computational and Analytical Mathematics, Springer Vol. 50, 2013
SIAM Web Page
Why Do Math
world class software/AldenMath
News and Noteworthy
As of November 21, 2021. (
entries )
ScholarGPS rankings
temp notes on protein/side chain positioning
Canoeing pics with visiting Aragon family and Optimization group , Sat
July23, 2023.
At the head of the river/at START
adventurers are:
Mengmeng Song , visiting PhD from
Beihang University, China .
Leo Woosuk Jung, PhD C&O, UofW
David Torregrosa-Belen , visiting PhD from University of Alicante, Spain.
Kay Barshad , PostDoc., C&O, UofW.
Visiting family: Vera with
Francisco J. Aragon Artacho visiting Prof. University of
Alicante , and then Nuria, Sophia
Henry Wolkowicz , Prof. C&O, Univ. of Waterloo.
Gail Wolkowicz , Prof. Math., McMaster Univ.
Tyler Weames , Masters C&O, UofW, and Victoria.
Bethany Caldwell , visiting PhD, University of South Australia.
Matt Hough , Masters, Univ. of Waterloo.
The blue heron standing and
flying .
some pairs of paddlers:
Photo of original MATLAB computer tape from 1984 ;
BUT, beware of one bug - here is the fix
World Optimization Seminar
Fields Workshop: Recent Advances in Optimization, Dec 6-7, 2022
with Fields Workshop pictures
E-NLA, World: Num. Lin. Alg. Seminars
Seven Sins of Numerical Linear Algebra at Nick Higham's BLOG.
Mathematics in Movies
So You Want to Study Mathematics !!!!…
An Introduction to Lagrange Multipliers ,
by Steuard Jensen
In Our Time: S18/30
Euclid's Elements IN OUR TIME!!!
A Layman’s Guide to Recreational Mathematics Videos
the anthology Before All Memory is Lost , has
received the 2017 Canadian Jewish Literary Award in the category of Holocaust
No doubt, the stories of these courageous woman will enrich the knowledge of
future generations about the power of the human spirit and enable readers to
grasp a deeper understanding of the Holocaust - one story at a time.
Holocaust Literature:
Before All Memory Is Lost : Women's Voices from the Holocaust (Azrieli
Foundation), edited by Myrna Goldenberg, is the first anthology ever published
by the Azrieli Foundation. Twenty-five women (including one chapter from Chana Mindla
Wolkowicz) reflect on their experiences of
survival. Each account is woven together by a common thread: women resisted and,
ultimately, triumphed against the brutality they faced during the Holocaust. The
book features a wide variety of narrative styles, including prose, poetry and
diary excerpts.
Article about Henry at Woodstock in Mathnews at UofW (see page 2)
To Power The World article by Daniel H Wolkowicz
RADIOOOO , international/all years.
MATLAB code for solving
ADMM for the SDP relaxation of the QAP , GitHub project.
MATLAB code for solving
the Euclidean Distance Matrix completion problem , GitHub project.
Explore Woodstock 1969
e.g., 1: Richie Havens, Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez; 2: Santana,
***Canned Heat, Creedence Clearwater Revival*** 3: **Jefferson Airplane**,
Joe Cocker, Country Joe and the Fish, Janis Joplin, **Crosby, Stills,
Nash & Young, Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Jimi Hendrix**
UofW Comp. Math Student Reports
The Physics of Climate Variability and Climate Change , by
Michael Ghil, Valerio Lucarini
Pino Tenti Memorial Scholarship
Miroslav Fiedler Memorial Page, 1926-Nov-20-15
Leiba Rodman Memorial Page, Mar-2-15
Hans Schneided Memorial Page, Oct-28-14
4D Toys , video
Fundamentals of
Lin. Alg. and Opt. , ebook Dec/17.
'unseen/new' photos
youtube channel (politics/misc)
The centrality of mathematics in the history of western thought , by
Judith V. Grabiner, Mathematics Magazine, vol 61, Oct. 1988.
Photo of original MATLAB computer tape from 1984
The University of Waterloo ranks 10th on the Parchment Student Choice
College Rankings of 2016, among other top schools such as Stanford and
Henry Wolkowicz selected SIAM Fellow, Tuesday, March 31, 2015
( and
local dept announcement
local copy )
Gail Wolkowicz Receives 2014 CMS Krieger-Nelson Prize
Miguel Anjos elected as Fellow of
the Canadian Academy of Engineering! June 2015
A Liberal Decalogue: Bertrand Russell's 10 Commandments of Teaching;
"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted
was once eccentric."
Einstein for Everyone
Reference Tagger ,
arbitrary unstructured academic citation changed to BibTeX record.
"Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances
which permit this norm to be exceeded - here and there, now and then -
are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often
condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people.
Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes
happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into
abject poverty. ... This is known as "bad luck" " Robert Heinlein
Penrose: from mathematical notation to beautiful diagrams ,
Library of Economics and Liberty , articles, econlog, econtalk,
Photos from the Midwest Optimization Meeting at UWO, Oct. 2013 ; e.g.
Gabor, Dima, Vris .
Volume 1,
Issue 1 of new: Journal of Operations Research of China
Diamond Jubilee Medals awarded Nov. 30, 2012; 21 Mitacs associates
recognized for contributions to Canada (including
Miguel Anjos )
that one unix command you wish you knew years ago.
SPROS: An SDP-Based Protein Structure Determination from
NMR Data
C&O Reading Group
doug's matlab videos
COPS , Computational OPTimization Solutions cluster.
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point
Arithmetic from SUN.
EDMs, Euclidean Distance Matrices (wikimization entry)
SIAM: LOCUS, Online Journals;
Annual Meeting/10 -
presentations online ; and
Activity Group on Optimization.
The Matrix Reference Manual
COAP Best Paper Awards
Handbook of Linear Algebra ,
recognized as an
OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC TITLE by Choice magazine, 2008.
MSRI , Math. Sci. Res. Instit.;
a Workshop given by H.W. (with Nathan Krislock), and
the main workshop webpage
and a
ABC Interview (with video) at MSRI .
pictures Stanford visit Nov/09)
George Dantzig Memorial Site
annotated bibliography of SDP .
ISI Web of
(Please send me any typos/errors you find or new bibliography entries -
current list of typos
and current
bibliography .)
Mathworld , Eric
Weisstein's World of Mathematics;
PLUS , internet magazine about mathematics.
Problems in the History of Mathematics, (
a Math Forum Project ), and
famous paradoxes .
Mathematics Genealogy
Project ..... and Personally :...
Interactive Mathematics
and Puzzles , Alexander Bogolmony's spectacular web-site. (
Some interesting quotes )
NEOS Server :
library, technology, guide; solves LP, NLP, SDP, ... ;
The Matrix Cookbook , a free math desktop reference for matrices.
(and local dec/13 copy )
Programming Glossary , by Harvey J. Greenberg and now run by
INFORMS Computing Society
SIAM certificate for significant refereeing , Oct/09
I have collected many interesting sites and FAQs for
kids .
Software and Theory
Go to the
and Theory section for detailed descriptions of my research as well
as links, preprints, etc...
A sample of the software:
Work Address
I was born February 25, 1948 in Lodz,
Poland . I was married (in Montreal)
Susan (
windsurf/08 ;
Henry early years Mtl ,
Finland photo ,
the other
video )
Doctor Wolkowicz
who is interested in
Research on Mathematical Biology, Ecology, Modelling, Bifurcation
Theory, and Differential Equations ; though
the masters thesis at McGill is titled:
Some aspects of stability in nonlinear programming )
and we have a son
Daniel Howard :) )
personal information , and
Nathan , etc...
Start of
Home Page
Users' Home Pages on
math ,
Email to Henry
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(C) Copyright Henry Wolkowicz, 1991.
Last update: 03/28/2025 22:09:50, by Henry Wolkowicz